Thursday, December 3, 2009

Constitution of The Artists' Guild at UVU

The Artists’ Guild at UVU Constitution

Article I. Name

The Name of this organization shall be "The Artists’ Guild at UVU.”

Article II. Purpose/Mission Statement

Our purpose as The Artists’ Guild at UVU is to enhance our academic experience as art students at UVU and to provide community outreach opportunities. We strive to obtain these goals in four different ways: by providing a UVU art community presence, building our skills, networking, and becoming more visible through our activities.

Provide An Art Community Presence – The Artists’ Guild at UVU desires to expand their presence in the university, the community, the state, and beyond. We will exhibit our art work publicly and develop relationships with and provide service to schools and businesses.

Build Skills – We strive as artists to improve our technical skills in all areas of design and craft taking into consideration art theory and content. We desire to explore and provide information concerning scholarships, grants, donors, jobs, internships, and apprenticeship opportunities to art students at UVU.

Become Visible - We will present and/or provide any art competitions, juried shows, and venues to show our work.

Network - We wish for visual art students of all disciplines to interact with each other and network. Through this networking and synergy we can motivate each other, exchange ideas, become aware of other art practices, and create an art consciousness and art-producing environment for the entire community. We also strive to meet together in various settings for different purposes, including having art parties (“arties”).

Article III. Membership

All art students and alumni are strongly encouraged to become members. Membership is open to any student at Utah Valley University and alumni. A $5 fee is required for membership each semester. Voting privileges are extended only to members. Guest faculty and others in the community may participate by invitation.

Article IV. Organization

1. The responsibilities and duties of Club Officers. The President’s job is to aid and direct the affairs of the Artists’ Guild at meetings and as a whole. The Vice President’s job is a supportive role and will be in charge in the absence of the president. The club Secretary is responsible for taking minutes at all club meetings and providing access of the minutes to club members. A Representative will attend the bi-monthly UVU club meetings.

2. Regularity of meetings – regular meetings will be held monthly on a specified day and time of the week to be determined each semester by the end of the previous semester.

3. Role of the Advisor – to advise the students, and to be the treasurer.

4. Method for obtaining and spending funds is to be done through the UVU monthly club meetings.

Article V. Elections

Elections are held the second week of fall semester. If for any reason there needs to be another election during the academic year, it is the role of the President to call such elections; at least one week’s notice will be given prior to such an election. In no circumstances shall a term of office exceed one calendar year.

Article VI. Qualification for Office

One must be a full-time UVU student and club member to be an official officer of the club.

Article VII. Removal from Office

For removal of an officer, the number of votes in the recall vote must be at least a 3/4-quorum vote.

Article VIII. Bylaws

At least a quorum of seven Artists’ Guild members must be present to vote on things pertaining to the organization’s business. Unless otherwise stated within this constitution, there must be at least a 2/3-quorum vote for the club to recognize any Constitution changes.

Article IX. Amendments

Amendments may be added to this constitution by way of a 2/3-quorum vote.

Article X. Ratification

This constitution shall become effective upon ratification upon a quorum vote of the group.

(current as of Dec 2, 2009)

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